Category: News

Transição de carreira: de executivo para empreendedor News
28 February 2023, 19:40

Career transition: from executive to entrepreneur

By Fabrício Oliveira, CEO of Vockan Consulting* According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2021 report, Brazil has around 43 million entrepreneurs of different sizes and operating...

Vockan Consulting aposta em parcerias para expansão News
10 February 2023, 19:39

Vockan Consulting chooses partnerships for expansion

Vockan Consulting chooses partnerships to expand its products and services and, thus, serve its customers with ever-increasing excellence. This is the aim of the new deals closed with Thomson Reuters...

Vockan oferece treinamento sobre Bloco K para clientes Events
01 December 2022, 18:16

Vockan offers Bloco K training to customers

Vockan Consulting will promote training on Bloco K exclusively for QAD ERP customers. The event inaugurates the Online Training Program. This is a novelty that comes to offer training in topics related...

