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Category: News

Como escolher o melhor ERP para indústria News
05 December 2023, 20:27

How to choose the best ERP for industry

The complex operations of the manufacturing industry require robust and flexible management software, capable of adapting to business and market needs. Therefore, when choosing an ERP for industry, it is impo...

BP33_Artigo_ O papel do RH na semana de 4 dias News
31 October 2023, 22:52

Article: The role of HR in the 4-day week

Article by Fabrício Oliveira, CEO of Vockan* The adoption of the 4-day work week is a disruption for the corporate world. Our understanding of what work is, how we relate to...

Artigo: Qual a sua relação com o trabalho? News
28 August 2023, 22:26

Article: What is your relationship with work?

Article by Fabrício Oliveira, CEO of Vockan Consulting* Work has been part of our lives since we have existed as individuals – with few exceptions. We teach children that parents need to work...