
Solaft uses QAD ERP to integrate its global production data. With headquarters in Australia and branches in Brazil, China and India (under implementation), an Enterprise Resource Planning capable of unifying the database and making information available anytime, anywhere was needed. “In addition to the availability of information, there is the issue of reliability and security. […]

ERP for electronics and high technology industry needs to be an adaptable and scalable solution to meet the needs of this segment. Adaptable because the demands for customization by customers are growing, while it is necessary to maintain standard production for the general market. And scalable to keep up with the growth of your business in the time it needs.

Vockan expands operations to the U.S., targeting new businesses. QAD’s exclusive representative in Brazil and which develops ERP and solutions for the manufacturing industry opens a branch in Delaware, in the United States. The objective is to expand operations to customers who operate in the American market, Europe and Asia, and which also carry out […]

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