25 November 2022

Industry 4.0: Vockan lecture at the IFMT Computing Week

Indústria 4.0: Vockan dá palestra na Semana da Computação do IFMT

Industry 4.0 is the theme of the lecture that Vockan Consulting will give online at IFMT (Federal Institute of Mato Grosso) Computing Week. The event takes place between 11/28 and 12/02, with the theme “Career and Technology”. The lecture is avaliable at the link.

Vockan’s speaker is Thiago Queirós, manager of the Projects, Consulting and Experience areas, who highlights the importance of industry 4.0 for the survival of companies.

“Whoever does not adapt to this new moment will lose competitiveness in the market or even become obsolete. Professionals need to be prepared to work directly in companies or as consultants, focusing on the digital transformation of the industry. ERP, for example, has undergone changes – especially with regard to mobility, sustainability, customization and intelligence applied to processes”, he says.

SAVE THE DATE: Vockan’s lecture will take place on December 1st, at 1:30 pm (local time) or 2:30 pm (Brasília time). The event is online, free, offers 1,000 seats and will issue certificates to participating students. To register, click here and access the IFMT page.

Several guests from companies such as TikTok, IBM and Vockan Consulting will participate in lectures, round tables, short courses, workshops, cultural spaces for high school and higher education students from public or private universities in the state of Mato Grosso.

Industry 4.0 is already a reality

The lecture on industry 4.0 will address:

  • definition of the concept;
  • timeline of industrial revolutions;
  • the fundamental technologies of the industry and their applications;
  • positive and negative aspects of industry 4.0;
  • the status of industry 4.0 in Brazil, its challenges and agenda;
  • industry 4.0 as support for digital transformation;
  • success factors in implementation, with tips.

In Queirós’ opinion, the event’s initiative is valuable, as new professionals entering the market must be trained within these new parameters. “This topic is very important and universities have the mission of helping to train these new professionals, who will soon be able to meet market demands in industry 4.0”, he says.

According to Daniel de Rezende, coordinator of the Technology in Analysis and Systems Development course at IFMT, it is very important for the Institution to have Vockan participate in the event, bringing its expertise in innovation and ERP to the industry.

“We are in a city experiencing rapid industrial growth and this partnership is extremely relevant for the development of technological solutions that meet the new demands of modern industry, mainly for agribusiness”, says Rezende.

About the speaker:

Thiago Queirós is manager of the Projects, Consulting and Experience areas at Vockan Consulting, with extensive experience in Information Technology and a career structured by diligence, strategic vision and planning. Over more than 20 years of professional career, he was responsible for leading companies in the industrial sector, financial services and consulting on the journey of digital transformation, carrying out projects in Latin America and the United States.


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