ERP for the food and beverage industry helps with sanitary control

ERP para indústria de alimentos e bebidas ajuda no controle sanitário

ERP for the food and beverage industry is essential for production control, but it also plays a leading role in sanitary control, one of the critical characteristics of this type of business. The food and beverage industry, like any other productive branch, needs professional management of raw materials, suppliers, processes, deadlines, etc. Finally, complete control […]

Career transition: from executive to entrepreneur

Transição de carreira: de executivo para empreendedor

By Fabrício Oliveira, CEO of Vockan Consulting* According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2021 report, Brazil has around 43 million entrepreneurs of different sizes and operating in different segments. The same study points out that 46% of our population dreams of opening their own business. After decades as an employee of a multinational, I […]

Vockan Consulting chooses partnerships for expansion

Vockan Consulting aposta em parcerias para expansão

Vockan Consulting chooses partnerships to expand its products and services and, thus, serve its customers with ever-increasing excellence. This is the aim of the new deals closed with Thomson Reuters and Prime Consultoria. Thomson Reuters is a multinational leader in technology and intelligent information solutions for companies and professionals. Prime Consultoria, located in Ribeirão Preto […]

Check the 2023 Online Training Program calendar

Confira o calendário do Programa de Treinamentos On-line em 2023

The Online Training Program by Vockan Consulting already has a calendar of events for 2023. Continuing the project of offering training to our clients, so that they can extract more and more from the available platforms, Vockan announces the themes of each month’s events: The events are online and free. Participants will receive a certificate […]

QAD System Performance review improves Valmont’s performance

Tuning de ambiente melhora desempenho da Valmont

QAD System Performance review carried out by Vockan Consulting for Valmont, irrigation equipment industry, improved QAD ERP performance and brought more agility to processes. “Like other systems, the ERP needs to undergo periodic review, otherwise it loses its optimization condition and starts to lose performance”, explains Thiago Queirós, manager of the areas of Projects, Consulting […]

Vockan offers Bloco K training to customers

Vockan oferece treinamento sobre Bloco K para clientes

Vockan Consulting will promote training on Bloco K exclusively for QAD ERP customers. The event inaugurates the Online Training Program. This is a novelty that comes to offer training in topics related to tools, processes and management. SAVE THE DATE: the event will be online, on December 14, from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm (Brasília […]

Industry 4.0: Vockan lecture at the IFMT Computing Week

Indústria 4.0: Vockan dá palestra na Semana da Computação do IFMT

Industry 4.0 is the theme of the lecture that Vockan Consulting will give online at IFMT (Federal Institute of Mato Grosso) Computing Week. The event takes place between 11/28 and 12/02, with the theme “Career and Technology”. The lecture is avaliable at the link. Vockan’s speaker is Thiago Queirós, manager of the Projects, Consulting and […]

Vockan participates in Expo Consulting Campinas

Vockan participa da Expo Consulting Campinas

Vockan Consulting, QAD’s exclusive representative in Brazil with ERP solutions for the manufacturing industry, will be at Expo Consulting Campinas 2022. The event will take place on November 29, from 8:00 am to 7:30 pm, at Expo Dom Pedro, attached to Parque D .Pedro Shopping, in Campinas. With the theme “Building Opportunities and Expanding Businesses”, […]

Sefaz has postponed NT 2020.007 to 2023

Sefaz prorroga NT 2020.007 para 2023

Sefaz extended NT 2020.007 to 2023. The purpose of this Technical Note is to allow the Issuer of the Electronic Invoice to inform the Carrier’s identification at any time, as one of the persons authorized to access the XML of the NF-e. The new deadlines for deployment are 03/06/20203 (test) and 05/15/23 (production). When the […]

ERP for the automotive industry promotes integration and security

ERP para indústria automotiva promove integração e segurança

ERP for the automotive industry is not an innovation in supply chain management, but a basic need to operate in the sector. Some characteristics of this segment make a good ERP system essential. In short, the main ones are the need for traceability of all components and the interdependence of the chain. After all, you […]